
Monday, September 8, 2014

29 Weeks

This week was really exciting because we went to the doctor and we went back to See Me 3D (pictures in a separate post) for another ultrasound all on Thursday. The doctors visit couldn't have gone better. We saw a different doctor this time, which was fine because they're pretty boring appointments, and we loved her. She was also very impressed with my charts, saying that both the baby and I are in perfect condition and right on track. She even said that I could teach a class on how to be pregnant. I have to admit, I don't think I've ever been told how good I look more consistently than since I've been pregnant. It's  a real confidence booster, which is definitely needed on the days that I feel like I'm sporting a trucker's beer gut around.

Since we saw our baby girl on that 3D ultrasound she is all I can think about. I can't wait to meet her and I am so in love already.

How Far Along: 29 weeks, 2 days
How Long To Go: 10 weeks, 5 days
Weight Gain: 1.2lbs
Total Weight Gain: 10.8lbs
Weight: 130.6lbs
Belly Button: starting to poke out! I'm getting an outie!
Stretch Marks: none
Sleep: Getting hard to get comfortable again as my belly gets bigger
Best Moment This Week: Seeing our beautiful girl in 3D!
Nausea: none
Craving: Chocolate Milk
Miss Anything: feeling comfortable
Movement: Her kicks are getting harder, and more painful
Gender: bouncing baby girl
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks, back pain, the beginning of a Linea Nigrea is starting to show.
Wedding Ring: on
Looking Forward To: My baby shower on Saturday!!!!! So excited I can't even stand it!!
Maternity Clothes: Ordered another dress off for the shower, can't wait to wear it
Fruit: Small Cabbage (2.9lb, 17 inches)
Weird Dreams This Week: Had a dream that Matt was running errands with me and I had to get home to prep for an event. He wouldn't take me home because he wanted to run to Lowe's and I got so mad I slapped his arms. I woke up because I was actually hitting him in my sleep in bed!! LOL


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