An even bigger deal is that Matt felt her for the first time on Sunday night. She was really active and I was enjoying feeling her little flutters and movements so I decided to see if Matt could feel anything, after all, I shouldn't get to have all the fun! After a few minutes of waiting he felt two big distinct kicks. He was so cute, he was smiling and so excited to finally be able to feel our little person inside of me.
It is really hard to describe what it feels like. It was weird for sure, the feeling of something moving around inside you is somewhat alien-like, but at the same time it was the coolest most incredible feeling I've ever felt. Up until now, it was hard to even believe that I was actually pregnant. You feel so detached to the process, like your body is going full steam ahead with this process without you even participating. Now that I can feel her I am extremely aware of the fact that there is a tiny person in my growing bump.
Speaking of bumps, it has been brought to my attention that I need to start documenting my growing form as I plump up and round out. So here are the first bump watch photos, and I will try to do them every week.
15 weeks
15 weeks
18 weeks
18 weeks
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