Most doctors appointments after the first one are pretty uneventful.
Today was our 16 week appointment which consisted of peeing in a cup, hearing the baby's heartbeat on the doppler - a strong 140bpm! - and talking breifly with our bubbly, southern doctor about our next stages of testing.
Two weeks from now we are scheduled for a speedy visit with the nurse practitioner to complete our testing. As I mentioned in a previous post, at around 12 weeks you will decide to either do or to forgo early testing for Down Syndrom, Trisomy 18 and Trisomy 21. Our results came back with a 1/10,000 chance of our baby having any of those conditions which is pretty much the best result you can hope for. The next phase of testing comes at around 16 weeks and is called the Sequential Screening, because the two tests are used in combination to get a full picture of your baby's fetal development and overall health. The sequential screening checks for gastrointestinal problems, neural defects such as spina bifida and a few other similarly devastating conditions.Our doctor seemed very unconcerned about this testing as our preliminary results were so good, so it is all really just a precaution.
In a month we will have our most exciting appointment, the gender scan! Most doctors do this around 20 weeks which at this point seems like a lifetime away. To remedy this a lot of couples opt to find an outside ultrasound facility to find out a few weeks earlier. We have an appointment at a place 30 minutes from us that a friend recommended. So in one week we will know if we are having a little girl or a little boy!